Friday, May 23, 2014

History of Insurance in Indonesia

    Insurance business into Indonesia during Dutch colonial rule and our country at that time called the Netherlands East Indies . The existence of insurance in our country as a result of the success of the Dutch nation in the plantation sector and trade in the colonies .

    To ensure its survival , the presence of insurance is absolutely necessary . Thus pera.suransian business in Indonesia can be divided into two periods , namely the colonial period until 1942 and the period after World War II, or the time of independence . At the time of the Japanese occupation army for about three and a half years , almost no recorded history of the development . Insurance companies in the Dutch East Indies colonial era it is :
The companies founded by the Dutch .
The companies that are branch office of the insurance company headquartered in the Netherlands , the UK and in other countries .

    With a run monopoly system in the Dutch East Indies , the development of insurance in the Netherlands East Indies limited to trade activities and interests of the Dutch , British , and other European nations . And the role of insurance benefits have not been recognized by the public , especially by indigenous communities .
This type of insurance that has been introduced in the Dutch East Indies at that time was very limited and mostly consists of fire insurance and freight . Motor vehicle insurance is not yet play a role , because the number of vehicles is still very little and only owned by the Dutch and other foreign nation . In colonial times not recorded a single insurance company . During World War II the insurance activities in Indonesia practically stalled , mainly due to the closure pemsahaan Dutch - owned insurance company and the UK .

    One's soul can be insured for the purposes of the person concerned , both during his lifetime and for a time specified in perjanjian.Orang concerned that insurers can hold even without known or consent of the insured person jiwanya.Jadi everyone can insure his soul , life insurance can even be ketiga.Asuransi held for the benefit of the soul can be held for life or for a specified period which dtetapkan in agreement .

    The parties bind themselves reciprocally it is called the insurer and receive a premium give tertanggung.Penanggung with payment , without mentioning the person designated as the audience .

    Insurance is a legal term ( legal term) that is used in legislation and insurance companies peasuransian.Istilah derived the word " insurance " means insurance coverage or protection of an object of a threat of dangers that cause kerugian.Dalam definition of " insurance " always includes two types of activities , namely the insurance business and supporting business venture is always asuransi.Perusahaan insurance covers insurance companies and insurance support .

    Understanding Insurance when in the review of the law in terms of insurance or coverage is an agreement between two (2 ) or more parties in which the parties bind themselves to the person insured , by accepting the insurance premiums to provide reimbursement to the insured for loss , damage , or loss of profits in expect or legal liability to third parties which may be suffered by the insured because of an uncertain event , or to make a payment on death or life in pertanggungkan.Kata someone who comes from the English insurance , insurance , and legal aspects have been outlined in the the Code of Commercial Law ( businesses) of Article 246 , " Insurance is a contract whereby a person committed themselves to an insured to receive a premium , to provide reimbursement to him for any loss , damage , or loss of expected benefits that might be experienced as an event is indefinite . "
In addition to the Commercial code article 246 , also in the Act - Act No. insurance . 2 1992 article 1 mentioned insurance or coverage is an agreement between two or more parties , where the insurer binds himself to the insured , by accepting the insurance premiums to provide reimbursement to the insured for loss , damage , or loss of expected benefits , or legal liability to third parties which may be suffered by the insured , arising from an uncertain events , or provide an event that payment is based on the death of an insured person or his life .

    Another sense , such as in his book of Wirjono Prodjodikoro insurance law in Indonesia gave the notion of insurance as follows : " an agreement in which the parties pledged to ensure the guaranteed party , to receive an amount of premium in lieu of damages , which may be suffered by the guaranteed , because result of an event that is not yet clear " .
Robert I. Mehr and Emerson Cammack , in bukunyaPrinciples of Insurance states that a risk transfer ( transfer of risk ) is called insurance .

    DS Hansell , in his book Elements of Insurance states that insurance is always associated with risk ( Isurance is to do with Risk )

    In conventional insurance insurance company called Person , whereas people who buy the insurance product called the insured or the policy holder , the insured pays a sum of money called a premium to buy the products provided by insurance companies . Insurance premiums paid by the insured becomes revenue insurance company , in other words, the displacement of the premium fund holdings of the insured to the insurance company . If the insured at risk according to the stated in the insurance contract , the insurance company must pay a sum of money called the sum assured to Tertangggung or who deserve it . Conversely, if the insured until the end of the contract period does not run the risk of the contracted insurance contract expires then all the rights and obligations of both parties ended . From the above it can be concluded that the displacement of the financial risk in insurance terms is called the transfer of risk from the insured to the underwriters .

    For example, when someone buys a home fire insurance policy to stay he would pay money ( premiums ) that have been determined by the insurance company , at the same time the insurance company will bear the financial risk in the event of a fire over the residence . Another example in the life insurance , when someone buys a life insurance (term insuransce ) with a contract period of 5 ( five ) years with a sum of 100 million dollars , then he must pay the premiums set by the insurance company ( ie 500 thousand dollars ) per year , meaning that if the insured dies within the term of the contract above, the heirs or assigns shall obtain money from insurance companies amounted to 100 million , but when the participants lived until the end of the agreement then he will not gain anything . Terms of the sharia , the transaction example above can be categorized as contract tabaduli ( exchange or sale and purchase ) , but is flawed because there are elements of gharar ( uncertainty ) , which is not clear when the policyholder will receive the sum assured as it is associated with the unfortunate person ( could be years The first , second , or not at all to be alive at the end of the agreement )

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