Friday, May 23, 2014

Various kinds of Insurance

Various kinds of Insurance in Indonesia is very diverse . There are health insurance , asuransijiwa , insurance education , there is also an investment insurance , employee health insurance , child health insurance , accident insurance and many other kinds of kinds of insurance . With so many kinds of kinds of insurance in Indonesia, it creates a promising business opportunity insurance .

Everyone needs insurance for himself , from newborns to adults and older he will . Since the birth of a baby already require health insurance . Health insurance is divided into two , namely the traditional health insurance is commonly known as a pure health insurance and health insurance along with investment , known as unit-linked insurance . There is a cashless health insurance and health insurance reimbursement , for customers who want the ease of having to be treated in hospital , usually selecting cashless health insurance because just by showing their membership card , direct customer service in a hospital , without having to spend money . As for customers who are more concerned with cheap premiums , usually choosing a health insurance reimbursement , it still paid medical expenses the insurance company , the customer only slightly bothered by the claim files .

In addition to individual health insurance , there are also health insurance and family health insurance for the employees of the company .

For parents who have sufficient income and to understand the importance of education for their children , usually also provide education insurance health insurance in addition to her newborn baby . Education Insurance can ensure the availability of funds for education until he entered college .

Entering the age of 3 years , children begin to go to school and she began to have regular activities outside the home . Routine activities outside the home will continue to run until he was an adult when entering the reproductive age until he was old and even later . In performing daily activities , risk of accidents can happen . Accidents not only occur on the highway , accidents can happen anywhere even in his own home . For that we all need accident insurance that can cover medical expenses due to accidents . Protection of personal accident insurance also offers a collection of personal accident insurance for students in schools to students in college .

After graduating from college you usually look for jobs that match your chosen field in college . In addition , you also choose the big companies that provide welfare for its employees . Companies that offer benefits that companies usually pay more attention to the welfare of employees in the company . Facilities provided are health insurance companies typically cover employees inpatient , outpatient , childbirth , dental care and eyeglasses . Whether or not the employee insurance is an important consideration before we choose a place to work .

After working and have income , it's time you started saving for future purposes . Future savings is an investment that should benefit , not just get a development bank interest rate is still inferior to the rate of inflation . Should provide a favorable investment returns far greater than the current inflation rate .

If the company where you work does not provide employee health insurance , it's time to have health insurance because while they are still young and in good health , insurance premiums are usually still cheap . You can choose individual health insurance with benefits that suit your needs at this time . Individual health insurance there is a cashless , there is also the reimbursement system . With monthly premiums that you can choose a lighter cashless health insurance , only with 10 years of premium payments , cashless health insurance will continue to cover your medical expenses until you are 70 years old . You do not need to pay premiums anymore .

As you begin to enter married life , your responsibilities begin to grow , especially when you already have children . The future of your child is your responsibility with your partner . At the moment there are people who depend on the cost of your life , that's when you have life insurance . Opt for whole life insurance that can cover you up to 96 years old .

Insurance is very necessary in this life , to protect the family finances . In 2009 , in the U.S. , from middle-class families are declared bankrupt , 60 % is due to the depletion of their money to the cost of treatment in the hospital

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